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Amanda resides in the Dayton, Ohio area but as a military spouse has lived in 6 different states in the last 10 years! Amanda and her husband, Zack have two beautiful children, Claire and Eli. What sparked Amanda to create this foundation was her son, Eli. Shortly after Eli was born he was diagnosed with multiple congenital heart defects. He has congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (CCTGA), complete atrioventricular canal defect, ventricular septal defect, sub-pulmonary stenosis, and leaky valves. This came as a total shock to her and her family since Eli showed no external symptoms. With two degrees in the healthcare field, Amanda immediately began looking for research articles and seeking out the best treatment. The lack of research on Eli’s conditions was saddening, making educated decisions for his future difficult to make. This sparked the realization that this foundation was needed because CHD research is SO needed and very underfunded! After seeking numerous opinions from surgical teams all over the country, Eli has been primarily treated at Motts Children’s Hospital and Boston Children's Hospital. Eli had one heart catheterization at eight months old, followed by open heart surgery at twelve months to place a pulmonary artery band. Eli had another heart cath at two years old followed by a huge double switch heart operation at Boston Children's. Despite having many heart conditions, Eli has never shown one external symptom and acts like any other toddler. He has a spark and joy for living that is unmatched, and is a true miracle that has inspired many, especially his mother. Amanda enjoys spending time with her family, reading the Bible, exercising and running races, baking with Claire, reading to Eli, traveling with her husband, and decorating in her “spare” time! 

Amanda’s favorite verse is Esther 4:14.



Amy resides in Kansas City, KS with her husband, Trent, and two daughters, Sawyer and Elliott. Amy works in the healthcare field and met Amanda through schooling in Omaha, Nebraska where they became lifelong friends. 

Amy's interest in congenital heart defect research began when Eli, Amanda's son, was diagnosed. Amy and Amanda's children are the same age so it struck a personal chord with her in many ways. Amy is excited to spread CHD awareness and fund research so we can change the course of this condition for the better!  In her spare time Amy enjoys working out, baking, cooking, and planning her next trip! 



Vicki resides in Aurora, Ohio with her husband and three energetic young boys.  She is an occupational therapist who enjoys working with kids with special needs.  In 2017, Vicki was pregnant with her 2nd and 3rd babies (twin boys). At her 20 week ultrasound baby B, Dax, was diagnosed with TGA.  With many following appointments it was found that he had congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (CCTGA). Vicki can easily recall all the fear and tears shed, but also the joys and support.  Research is something that is lacking in Dax’s condition because it is so rare and of course, as a parent,  that is what she wanted to help support medical decisions.  She would love to see improvements in research as well as support for those families facing the unfaceable.  Dax has currently had 1 open heart surgery where they placed a band around his pulmonary artery to help strengthen his left ventricle in preparation for his next big surgery.  

Vicki's favorite bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11.



Zack, resides in the Dayton, Ohio area with his wife, Amanda, and two beautiful children, Claire and Eli. He was inspired in the creation of this foundation due to the diagnosis of Eli with numerous congenital heart defects (CHD). Like Amanda, he found the lack of research and knowledge in something that effects nearly 1 in 100 children unnerving, and was motivated to find a way to fund research initiatives and support the families of those affected. Being a father to a child with CHD’s has changed Zack’s life in many ways. He is

inspired by Eli’s bravery and strength, and recognizes that every single day is a gift. Zack wants to help not only his son, but all children and adults living with CHD to have brighter futures through awareness and research.  Zack enjoys spending time with family, traveling, being adventurous in the great outdoors and drinking coffee.

Zack’s favorite Bible passage is Thessalonians 5:16-18.







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